Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Full-Time Parent Caregivers Need Support

As a full-time caregiver for a sick, injured, or otherwise fragile child, your attention rightfully focuses on your little one at all times. The things that they are unable to do independently are attached to your to-do list. This leaves little room on the list for your personal items or other children in the home.

Full-time caregivers are more likely to experience depression, suffer long-term medical conditions and recover from injury and illness at a slower pace. These are the side effects of sacrificing your own needs while caring for someone else.

Pediatric Home Nursing Services Provide Relief

Even if you're able to provide a lot of the care that your child needs, in-home nursing assistance gives you a chance to enjoy your little one on a less clinical level. While the nurse handles medication and other medical duties, you may read to your child or stand by their side as a source of comfort.

Alternatively, you may use the time that your home care nurse is around to spend some time alone. Read a book. Meet a friend for lunch. Prepare and freeze healthy meals for the upcoming week so you may care for your body even when the nurse isn't around. Don't feel guilty for spending this time alone; use it to regain the strength to handle your child's long-term needs.