Monday, August 24, 2015

How Therapy May Make a Big Difference in Writing

Many children enter pediatric occupational therapy to improve their ability in accomplishing writing assignments in school. Among the things that the therapy may help them with is holding writing instruments properly, applying the correct amount of pressure on writing instruments, forming letters correctly, and properly judging spacing and placement on paper. These are collectively referred to as graphomotor skills.

Some children get frustrated when taking notes because they can't write as quickly as other students. They may display sloppy penmanship or complain of hand pain when writing for an extended period of time. In many cases, they need to write slowly in order to maintain legible penmanship.

There are many exercises that are used to help children overcome difficulties with writing, but some of the best tools are also the simplest.

  • Add a pencil grip to the child's writing instruments to help them maintain the proper grip and apply the right amount of pressure.
  • Talk with the child's school to create a learning plan. They may need extra time to complete essay assignments or tests with intensive writing requirements. In some cases, children perform better when test questions are read aloud to them.
  • Allow the child to keep a chart displaying the proper letter forms on his desk or in a notebook for easy reference.

School is more difficult for children struggling to present ideas in writing legibly and quickly, but many children improve with consistent therapy.