Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Benefits of Pediatric Physical Therapy at Home

Physical therapy may prove beneficial for any child who exhibits limitations in or the inability to perform age-appropriate motor skills. In some instances, a referral for therapy may follow an injury, surgery, or other medical condition, such as cerebral palsy, scoliosis, spina bifida, and cancer. You may also seek pediatric physical therapy if you believe that your child isn't meeting normal milestones or you'd like to establish weight management and/or injury prevention skills for your child.

A typical physical therapy program includes exercises, activities, adaptive equipment, neuromuscular re-education, and varying therapies (i.e. aquatic therapy, massage therapy) to facilitate gross motor development, improve endurance, strengthen coordination and balance, strengthen weak muscles, and improve gait. The program is tailored to meet the individual needs of the child, including any health and mobility concerns. It also includes family education so that parents and siblings can stay involved and become advocates for the child undergoing therapy.

Home care pediatric physical therapy helps kids improve gross motor development, coordination, balance, and walking pattern; normalize muscle tone; and increase their endurance, muscular strength, and range of motion. All of these skills maximize independence, promote a healthy and active lifestyle, and reduce the risk of injuries.

If you believe that your child may benefit from home care pediatric physical therapy, consult with a Houston area physical therapist who has extensive experience in and knowledge of pediatric therapy.